infinity-Symbol blue & grey

The above buttons will take you to some photos of the windmill, some external and some internal

Please note that I do not have the floor plans yet but will post them here as soon as I get them.

For more info on Bessler go to

Johann Bessler’s Windmill is for sale

I have been assured that I will receive plans of the structure in due course and as soon as I get them I will post them here. Pending receipt of the plans I am posting some drawings done by Bessler in his original draft proposal to Herr von Schrader, the man who eventually commissioned the windmill.

They have not been digitally cleaned so they are a little obscure but nevertheless it is interesting to compare the drawings of the external features of the windmill to the actual remains.

Windmill plan 8
Windmill plan 7
Windmill plan 6
Windmill plan 5
Windmill plan 4 Windmill plan 3
Windmill plan 2 Windmill plan 1

Copyright © 2010 John Collins

[Windmill For Sale] [External photos] [Interior photos] [Floor plan]